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Hair loss, stress and fatigue… are they related?

“ I’ve been stressed for a few months, I find my hair everywhere, in the shower, in my brush and on my clothes. But what's going on? "

This is a recurring question that hairdressers, pharmacists, and doctors are regularly faced with.

This question can be answered quickly. Yes, hair loss and stress are very closely linked in the case of reactive alopecia: sudden and overwhelming hair loss.

How to recognize hair loss due to stress, overworking, fatigue, nutritional deficiencies…?

Losing 40 to 80 hairs a day should not be a cause for concern. This loss is completely normal and is related to the natural life cycle of hair, it is born, grows then dies.

A hair follows a well-defined life cycle: the hair cycle.


However, when someone loses more than 100 hairs a day, they are considered to be suffering from alopecia, the name given to abnormal hair loss.

Once this has been established, it is necessary to specify the type of hair loss involved. There are two types of hair loss that call for different and personalized treatments.

Is hair loss a consequence of a hereditary predisposition or is it caused by an external phenomenon that has upset the body’s metabolism?

If this hair loss occurs suddenly and abruptly, it is often reactionary hair loss. The hair then falls at a frightening speed from the whole of the scalp.

You start finding it everywhere!

In the shower drain after washing your hair. On the pillow when you wake up. On your hairbrush after brushing. On the shoulders of your jacket at the end of the day. It seems to fall out by the handful.


The number of hairs is important in figuring out if it’s alopecia. If, in addition, we notice that this phenomenon affects the entire skull, we can confirm, in a fairly reliable way, the diagnosis of reactive alopecia. This is the most common form of hair loss.

As its name indicates, reactionary hair loss occurs as a reaction to professional stress, a traumatic event, extreme fatigue, an upsetting and sudden change, one or several nutritional deficiencies…

Stress, overworking, dieting… what events can trigger reactive hair loss?

When classified as reactive, hair loss is related to stress in the vast majority of cases.

Indeed, there are many forms of stress that can trigger hair loss. They obviously vary from one person to another depending on their sensitivity or their general feelings and/or emotional state at the time of the event.

Nevertheless, these triggering events can be classified into several categories:

  • intense emotional stress
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • changes of season
  • fatigue, overworking
  • a trauma, a physical or psychological shock
  • weight loss, dieting, deficiency or dietary imbalance
  • a surgical operation or an illness
  • certain drug treatments

These few causes listed above are the most common, but the list is not exhaustive.

For example, care must be taken to rule out metabolic dysfunction of the adrenal glands. They are responsible for regulating blood sugar levels, heart rate, and stress management. It is easy to understand that when they malfunction, they can cause several problems, including hair loss.

All these changes in the body are very different in nature. What they have in common, however, is the impact they have at the cellular level and the effects they have on the scalp and hair follicles.

During this hair loss, also called telogen effluvium, the hair will suddenly, and prematurely, enter the hair loss phase, even though it has not yet completed its growth phase.


When we analyze the onset of reactionary hair loss and the personal context surrounding it, we realize that it appears 2 to 3 months after the triggering event.

This acute hair loss can be very overwhelming and become a great source of concern for the person who sees their hair falling out. However, it is important to avoid entering a vicious circle where stress causes hair loss which in turn causes stress…

In general, hair loss diminishes naturally after a few weeks or months. Hair growth then resumes. Sometimes, however, without treatment, it can persist much longer.

How to fight hair loss due to stress, fatigue, dieting…?

It is important to intervene with a complete treatment to slow down hair loss to quickly restart its growth and to strengthen it by preserving the balance of the scalp.

A unique complex of highly effective active ingredients, it combines three fundamental actions to visibly increase hair mass and provide strength and vitality.

1. Slowing down hair loss

As we all know today, stress has negative effects on the body and therefore, of course, on the skin. The first action to take is to preserve the scalp by minimizing these harmful effects.

At the same time, microcirculation must be stimulated in order to maximize the supply of nutrients and energy to the hair bulbs.

2. STIMULATION of micro-circulation


2. Restoring hair growth

The hair bulb must then be provided with an important source of energy essential to hair growth. This active ingredient acts as an early energy signal to quickly boost hair growth.

Once the growth is reactivated, the combination of vitamins and trace elements fortifies and nourishes the hair bulb, which will then be reinvigorated and will be able to promote stronger, more resistant hair.

2. Food energy intake


3. Soothe inflammation

It is also important to stop the inflammatory knock-on effects triggered by neuromediators that are released by the cells in the case of intense stress.

2. CONTROL of inflammation


Hair loss due to emotional shock - Testimony

To regain her hair density, Alexandra tried out the Triphasic Reactional treatment.

Alexandra, 40 years old, started losing her hair after a succession of bad news.

 “In the shower, I began to realize that I had a lot more hair coming out in my hands than before.

We tell ourselves that it’s temporary and it won’t last. But after 10-15 days, we start looking for a way to stop it.

It's a 3 month ritual, once a week. The feeling is pretty good. You have to massage for 2 or 3 minutes so that it penetrates and then brush your hair like normal.

After a week, I noticed that I was losing less hair. And after a month and a half, I felt that my hair had grown much faster.

The colour holds well. They are brilliant. It has been nothing but positive!” 

Hair loss due to stress - Story

Julie, a pharmacy technician, started losing her hair after a period of stress caused by her last year of studies.

Julie, a pharmacy technician, started losing her hair after a period of stress caused by her last year of studies.

“It was really intense hair loss. My locks were falling out! And after reviewing the timeline, I knew that it was due to the exams I had taken previously.

I had to find a solution. So I use the product in the morning, after shampooing. It takes only 2 minutes.

My hair is much stronger, much denser. Now, it’s beautiful.” 


Reactional Pro-density, Pro-volume Routine

Triphasic Reactional Reactional Pro-density, Pro-volume Routine

Slows down hair loss - Boost growth

Reactional Dietary Supplement

Vitalfan Reactional Reactional Dietary Supplement

Strengthens hair - Helps replenish hair

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