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How bad is it, doctor?

I haven't been able to style my hair since it started falling out. Do you have any tips?


43 years old

 “I haven't been able to style my hair since it started falling out. Do you have any tips?” 

43 years old

Véronique Majoros’ response



“Véronique Majoros, Director of the René Furterer Institute”

Do you have fine, thin hair that’s falling out? Don't panic!

It's an open secret: everyone loses their hair. Depending on the person and the time, but it happens to us all! There are many reasons: hair that thins as we age, loss of density, hormonal changes, pregnancy, the onset of menopause, high stress, or simply seasonal changes. But, ultimately, it's no fun to lose your hair and it's all you can see!

Don't panic, there’s no shortage of solutions: a radical change of hairstyle or little everyday tricks for fantastic results. Our hair expert will show you how to hide your hair loss. You'll be smiling again in no time!

How do you style your hair when you have fine, thin hair?

Your plan of action begins with your choice of treatment lotion. Carry out your Triphasic anti- loss of hair density treatment and combine it with the complementary anti- loss of density shampoo. Alternate with a volumizing shampoo for fine hair, such as our Voluméa, or a plumping shampoo, such as our Tonucia. The volumizers will bring body and texture to flat hair for volume from root to tip; the plumpers will revitalize and strengthen tired, thinning hair to redensify the hair fibre. Whatever you choose, avoid nourishing shampoos: their nutritive effects weigh down the hair and help flatten it when you’re trying to make it lighter!

When drying, first apply a leave-in product, such as the Voluméa Foam. Use a wide-tooth comb rather than your finger to improve distribution. Then dry upside down to help loosen the roots (you can use your fingers here!), working on the volume of each hair by supplying heat, which will allow the hairs to swell to their maximum capacity.

If you use a brush, choose one with boar bristles: these are kinder to the hair and won't damage it like metal brushes.

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Hair products: your new best friends for thickening hair

When it comes to products, you're going to need dry shampoos! They help restore body and volume between washes: spray 8 to 12 inches from the roots on a few areas of the head, leave on for a few moments, then spread over the whole head with your hands or a brush. Guaranteed results!

You can also count on texturizing sprays, such as Style, which thicken the hair and provide an excellent styling base. Be sure to use our Tonucia serum, my little secret at the salon: we generally recommend it as a two-month thickening ritual but it works immediately when you want to restore volume to your hair. It stimulates the production of collagen in the scalp, which results in good density.

Finally, if you had to keep just one piece of advice, it would be to familiarize yourself with the crimping technique! This is a miracle solution that works on all heads: apply a dry shampoo to improve texture and help bring the hair together, then work around an inch of the roots using a crimping brush or a fine-toothed comb. It works immediately: the scalp is hidden and the feeling of density from the roots is striking. Fine hair is no longer visible!

A few fabulous cuts for thinning hair

Now you’ve mastered crimping, give your updo hairstyles all the volume they need: ponytails, buns and braids with a neat finish thanks to controlled volume. Simply tame your crimped mane with a brush or comb before tying it up, and you're done!

You can also experiment with waves to add texture but remember to apply a protective spray before using your plates.

As for the cut, you want it neither too long nor too short. Opt for mid-length hair which is enough to hide your head but without the excess length that draws attention to the lack of density!

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Reactional Pro-density, Pro-volume Routine

Triphasic Reactional Reactional Pro-density, Pro-volume Routine

Slows down hair loss - Boost growth

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